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Infra red light modulated and sent down fibre optic cable.

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Remote controls often use infrared to control equipment.

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Q: How is infrared used in communication?
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Why is infrared used for communication?

Infrared is used for communication because it is able to transmit data wirelessly over short distances. It is cost-effective, has low power consumption, and offers secure communication as infrared signals do not penetrate through walls easily.

How are infrared waves used as communication?

Infrared waves are used for communication by encoding data onto them and transmitting it wirelessly. Devices such as remote controls, IR blasters, and infrared transmitters emit infrared light beams carrying information to be received and interpreted by a compatible device. These waves are typically used for short-range communication within a limited line of sight.

Where is infrared use?

Infrared is used in applications such as remote controls for electronic devices, infrared cameras for night vision, and in infrared saunas for therapeutic purposes. It is also commonly used in security systems for motion detection and in communication technologies such as infrared data transfer.

Does infrared technology fall under the category of wireless networks?

Infrared can't be used as a technology for wireless networks because of its slow speed and limited functionality. Infrared is used for wireless communication at very small level.

What are the uses for infrared technology in communication?

Infrared (IR) can be used by computers and other electronic devices to transfer data to other devices short distances.

What are some examples of infared rays?

Examples of infrared rays include heat radiation from a fire, body heat emitted by humans and animals, and infrared lamps used in therapy. Infrared rays are also emitted by the sun and can be used in technologies like infrared cameras and communication devices.

What is the function of infrared?

Infrared radiation is used for various purposes, including communication (like TV remotes), thermal imaging (to detect heat signatures), and in astronomy (to study celestial objects). Additionally, infrared is also used in materials testing and medical imaging.

What is infrared waves use for?

Infrared waves are used for a variety of purposes, including thermal imaging, night vision technology, remote controls for electronic devices, and infrared heating systems. They are also used in communication systems like infrared data transmission and in some medical applications for pain relief and muscle therapy.

What is the use of infrared waves?

Infrared waves are used for a variety of applications, including thermal imaging, remote controls, night vision devices, and communication technology like infrared data transmission. They are also used in industrial processes like heating, drying, and welding.

What is communication device?

A communication device is a peripheral used for communication between the computers and other devices. Modem is a popular communication device which is normally used for Internet communication. Infrared, Bluetooth and LAN card are the examples of communication devices.

Communication to flight by infrared waves?

Infrared waves can be used to communicate between aircraft and ground stations by transmitting signals encoded with information like altitude, speed, and position. The infrared signals can be received by sensors on the aircraft to establish a two-way communication link between the flight and ground control. This technology provides a secure and reliable method of communication between aircraft and ground stations.

What are advantages of infrared transmission?

Infrared transmission is advantageous because it is less prone to interference from other wireless signals, has low power consumption, and can be used for communication over short distances securely.