One can get the first look at the new iPhone by signing up for the Apple WWDC (World Wide Developers conference) event where they show case their new releases.
The first IPhone is the very basic of the 4th one. The first one doesn't have face talk & can't virtually connect to your computer & everything else. The new one is way better than the other ones.
Sadly, the next one may actually be called the "new iPhone" :(
The Iphone is better but the new nexus one it better than the Iphone
A human
If lost or stolen only way to get our iPhone back is if you have/had mobileme. If not, get a new one.
No, the iPhone 4 is the first one that can run face time.
yes you can, you dont have to buy a new simcard when you buy a new iPhone
It should automatically be on your iPhone when you first turn it on. It's one of the default apps.
you can tell because the regular iPhone doesn't have a camera while the iPhone 3gs has one and other new accessories.
The iPhone was first since it was first released in June 29, 2007 while the iPad was released in April 3, 2010.
one of the main things in the new iPhone is it has a flash camera with auto touch focus. you touch the part of the picture you want your camera to focus on. The iPhone 4 is also 24% than the iPhone 3gs/3g. but there is an update for the older iphones for the new features. The display on the new iPhone is so good that the human couldn't possibly so the amount of pixels.