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It hurts. Very much.

Every one of the 10,000 nerves in the scrotal region send pain signals to the brain (in fact, there's so many they stop short around the kidneys. That's why your stomach hurts when you get sacked).

Long story short ---> OW.

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Q: How does it feel to be kicked in the nuts?
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How do you not get kicked in the nuts by your girlfriend?

Don't have one.

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What is funny but sucks bad?

Somebody got kicked in the nuts but survives

Men could also spit on the women?

Not unless he wants to get kicked in the nuts.

How come you start coughing after you get kicked in the nuts?

Its a reaction to releave pressure in the abdomen

Where does the pain hurt?

Because you're a complete idiot and let yourself get kicked in the nuts..

What episode in the show Invader Zim was when Dib kicked Zim in the nuts?

A room with a moose

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What is more painful child birth or getting kicked in the nuts?

i think that getting kickes in the nuts hurts more because birth is something comeing out of you and getting kicked int he nuts is a pare of your body hurting.

What is the limit to getting kicked in the nuts before you cant have children?

It would depend on the person and on the force of the kicks. There is no firm number for it.

Can a man become gay when kicked in the nuts?

No. The fact that someone is gay doesn't have anything to do with environment or experience. You are either born gay or you are not.

How do squirrels feel when you hide their food?

They hide their nuts and then they do it