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as we heat water,its temperature rises and the molecules start acquiring energy and collide with each other at an increasing rate..this makes water to expand..

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Q: How does hot water expand?
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Do liquids expand?

Yes. liquids expand. If we heat the beaker which is filled with water using a candle, the volume will rise as the water is mixed with hot air. Hot air would want to excape, therefore liquids do expand.

Does Hot water shrink rubber?

No it will cause rubber to expand.

Is hot water denser than cold water?

NO, it is the opposite. remember molecules expand when heated

Why not measure amounts of liquid when hot?

Heat = expansion. The water molecules expand when heated. The container will expand, and then the measurment will be off?

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due to forced convection and molecular motion

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Heat causes expansion.

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The process is called thermal expansion. As the lid is exposed to heat from hot water, the particles within the metal expand, causing the lid to also expand.

Why balloons expand when placed in hot water?

When a balloon is placed in hot water, the air molecules inside the balloon gain kinetic energy and move faster, causing them to exert more pressure on the walls of the balloon. This increased pressure results in the balloon expanding in order to accommodate the higher volume of air it contains.

Will hot water shrink a cork?

Yes, exposing cork to hot water can cause it to lose its shape and shrink. It is advised to avoid using hot water on cork materials to prevent this from happening.

Why does hot water continually run into the expansion tank?

Because it likes a place to expand and contract