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Prepare a organization related reports for all kpi, comparison of lmtd to mtd, what's their ach %, what's their growth on lm, prepare a different types report, if u have on telecom sector, always prepare a gas report i..e market share report, plenty of types to be prepared.

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Q: How does an MIS work?
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What is the work of the dss user in mis?

it contains the user information.

What is the difference between EDP and MIS?

There are a few differences between EDP and MIS. EDP is mainly used for bookkeeping, operational management, and clerical work. MIS is business driven, heavy planning, common data, and larger reports.

What is the importance of MIS to new company?

Management information system (MIS) has most importance for every new company. Every company needed all information about employ, work, etc to management of their companies. MIS is the system that provide information to the company.

What are the five dimensions of MIS?

The five dimensions of Management Information Systems (MIS) are data, technology, people, processes, and information. These dimensions work together to ensure that MIS is effectively implemented and used within an organization to support decision-making and operations.

What is mis and examples of mis?

MIS stands for Management Information Systems. These include all the systems that can be used to organize, store and distribute data over a great audience using computers, databases and other libraries. They assist the company to perform work more efficiently.

What are the types of marketig Information System?

1) Accounting MIS 2) Financial MIS 3) Manufacturing MIS 4) Marketing MIS 5) HR MIS

What is full form of MIS report?

Full form of MIS is Management Information System. MIS Needs to work on Excel to create their reports.

What can MIS graduated students work after graduation rather than working in IT department?

You could look to establish yourself on the marketing and client acquisition side of business that associating with the IT department if you want to. You would be the key resource person in understanding the clients MIS needs, understanding resources availability and cost and then work with all concerned parties to acquire the client. Would recommend you to visit the websites of various universities like Indiana Univeristy - Kelly MIS program or University of Arizona - Eller MIS program to get further details about the roles that an MIS person can play.

What are various types of information system?

1) Accounting MIS 2) Financial MIS 3) Manufacturing MIS 4) Marketing MIS 5) HR MIS

Mis life cycle?

MIS cycle ?

What are essential components of effective mis and why describe the mis of an organisation?

What are the essencial componants of an effective mis and why

What is the opposite of mis?

The opposite of "mis" is "correct" or "right."