Look on your credit card. Call your phone service provider, tell them you want unlimited airtime, and give them that number. I'm sure they'll be happy to take care of you.
You have to go to walmart or some kind of store that sells it or you can buy it with a credit or debit card on your phone.you have to click the menu button and then go to prepaid and click buy airtime.
Airtime was created in 2011.
Yes, although you will still pay airtime for the call.
how do i get wireless airtime for my laptop, can you please help
You should still be able to contact your network provider - via their short access number. Usually, contacting your provider is free - and you should be able to top-up your credit by quoting the number on your prepaid card.
An airtime is the duration of time during which a television or radio programme is transmitted.
No, AT&T does not offer any coupons for its airtime cards. This is because the airtime cards do not cost too much.
depends: if you mean complete return then it really depends on the network you bought it with: o2 yes (but no refund of airtime credit because that can be used up) otherwise no. If it is faulty you should be able to return if bought less than 28 days ago either for a refund (not airtime credit) or a faulty exchange.
i don't think there is way to get free airtime because i have Lock evy were
Advertisers buy airtime during popular television or radio programs.
We credit her success to hard work and diligence.We credit her success to hard work and diligence.We credit her success to hard work and diligence.We credit her success to hard work and diligence.