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In order to write in bold letters, Before you start typing your message, You must write, (TypeMessageHere) TypeMessageHere Is how it will look afterwords.

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Q: How do you write in bold letters on AIM?
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What do you write in a web page to make the letters bold?

What you write in a website to make the letters bold is : <strong> and at the end of the word </strong> I recommend looking into a simple online course with videos to learn more about web design mastery.

How do you write in bold letters durning comment on facebook?

put * then the words and then * again.. like this,,,,,,, *how are you?* that :)

How do you write bold letters on twitter?

Unfortunately you can't use custom HTML on Twitter, so you can't bold, italicise, underline or strike-through text.

What does it mean to write in bold letters?

Writing in bold letters means to emphasize a word or phrase by making it appear visually stronger or more prominent compared to regular text. It can help draw attention to key points or make them stand out from the surrounding text.

What is the homophone of the word bold?

Bold, bald and bowled. As in BOLD letters, no hair and he bowled the ball.~FlapJack.

How do you write aim of study?

aim of study

In Gmail how do you chat in bold letters?

you put stars before and after the words.... like this...... *hello* and then it would be bold! good luck!

Is it possible to bold text in a Facebook message?

yes you can. simply put an asterisk on either side of the word/sentence you want to bold. for example, if you wanted to write 'hello' in bold on facebook, you would write: *hello* or if you wanted to write 'hello, how are you?' in bold, then you would write *hello, how are you?*

What does the put a bold face on mean?

it means to make the letters darklike thisexample of bold facing

How do you write an aim for a project?

an aim for a project could be anything like," how to make a nutritious breakfast " or "how to make an earthquake in your house

How do you make bold letters in HTML?

Use Bold tag <b> Eg: <b> text </b>

What type of formatting is bold underline and italic?

Bold, underlined and italic letters are all used as forms of emphasis.