Web Bot was created in 1997.
If there was such a thing as a web bot,You dont honestly think it would be readily available to the general public do you!? Its a secret software programme for use in 'sensible' hands only,Chances are that you will not get to use it.
Web Bot was developed in the 1990 based on the keywords entered on the web it is able to predict the future. Many companies use it for marketing. By using Web bot companies know what people like.
Web bot predicts October 30, 2009 will be Friday in most of the US and it will rain in some areas!
tomorrow is?
The Web Bot appears to be a computer program that has been written to search the web for keywords that are then used to predict future events. It was first launched in 1997 to predict Stock market trends.While the creators Clif High and George Ure keep much of the technical information about Web Bot secret, it appears to be an extrapolative algorithm that searches the web for changes in language that may precede changes in behavior.While several predictions of the Web Bot seem to have come true, this could be more an example of Postdiction due to the vague language used in the alleged predictions.
The Web Bot appears to be a computer program that has been written to search the web for keywords that are then used to predict future events. It was first launched in 1997 to predict Stock Market trends.While the creators Clif High and George Ure keep much of the technical information about Web Bot secret, it appears to be an extrapolative algorithm that searches the web for changes in language that may precede changes in behavior.While several predictions of the Web Bot seem to have come true, this could be more an example of Postdiction due to the vague language used in the alleged predictions.
This is not likely; the rules refer specifically to using a bot, and besides, there is really no way for RuneScape to detect that you HAVE a bot, if you don't use it.
It is likely that most predictions of this sort are wrong.
simple answer NO NO NO NO it did not simple answer NO NO NO NO it did not simple answer NO NO NO NO it did not