

How do you use elicit?

Updated: 11/7/2022
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13y ago

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Elicit is a verb meaning to call upon emotions or feelings to resolve a problem or deduce something by reasoning. As an example, a meeting could be called to elicit a solution to a problem.

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Q: How do you use elicit?
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Use a sentence with the word elicit?

A meeting was called to elicit a solution to a problem.

How do use the word 'elicit' in a sentence?

A meeting was called to elicit a solution to the problem.

How could you use elicit in a sentence?

The detective was able to elicit the truth from the suspect during the interrogation.

How do you use the word 'elicit' in a sentence?

("elicit" means to draw out information or response - the word "illicit" means illegal)"I need to elicit the truth about what happened.""My attempt to elicit information over the phone was met with a barrage of irrelevant recordings.""This question is going to elicit some interesting replies.""The teachers were asked to elicit a suitable response from the students.""The developers hoped to elicit a favorable zoning plan from the council.""His bravery would elicit praise and accolades from his countrymen.""Pedophiles and perverts use the internet venues to attempt to elicit sex from teenagers."

What is the meaning of elicit?

What you are trying to do is elicit an answer to your question: Elicit is to attempt to obtain. To get, to receive.

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The past participle of elicit is elicited.

How can elicit be used in a sentence?

A meeting was called to elicit a solution to the problem.A meeting was called to elicit a solution to the problem.

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Sentence for elicit?

A meeting was called to elicit a solution to the problem.

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What is the homophone for elicit?

The homophone for "elicit" is "illicit." Both words sound the same but have different meanings: "elicit" means to draw out or evoke a response, while "illicit" means illegal or forbidden.

Sentence with the word elicit?

A meeting was called to elicit a solution to a problem.