Convoy 3. Settings and Tools. 6. Sound Settings. 6. Readout. 5. Flip Open & Talk. Metric Pioneer dot com says Turn that Bad Boy OFF!
The newest LG Verizon phone is the LG Ally Verizon phone. The LG Ally phone is touch screen phone and provides a unique app providing turn by turn directions. provides a great picture of the sleek new phone.
why ju asking mua
I would like to know if its possible to turn my verizon contract phone and switch it to a pre-pay??
cause you ugly
hit s.source on remote turn on personel
A turn is rotating and a flip is flipping. They are different. For instance, try flipping open a phone. Then, put it down on a table and turn it around. You will see a difference in your movements.
You can adjust the volume of the ringer. Turn it down all the way to silent.
Hold the off button until it turns off, then take the battery out and put a new one in. Then turn the phone back on.
Hesta Prynn - Turn it gold (Idoz Remix)
flip and then turn
Go to Settings and Tools. From there, choose Sounds, then Service Alerts, and select ERI. Turn that option off, and you should no longer hear "Verizon Wireless".
If you are asking about how to turn an iPod into a cell phone, you can't, you have to get an iPhone. If you are asking how to get service for your iPhone, talk to AT&T or Verizon and buy your phone from them, they will give you a data plan.