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Q: How do you text back someone who gave you their number?
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Why is this guy you knew since you were like 2yrs old your both sixteen he gave you his number he texted you back when you texted him once now he doesnt text me back ever why cause you love him?

Maybe he found someone else.

How do you text someone with a fake number?

change your sim card while you text them and then put your old\new one back in x

Can you text someone in Europe?

If you have a number for them, then you can text someone in Europe from anywhere in the world.

How To Get Someone To Text You Back?

talk about them

What do you do if someone you don't know texts you and it's inappropriate?

Probably a wrong number. Erase it and NEVER text back.

Why is it when you text a boy then they text you back after that you text them again and they dont text back?

They may not be interested in talking to you. That's what i do when I am not intereted in talking to someone.

Why can you text someone but they can not text you back?

Because they are busy at the time im pretty sure they will get back with you.

You gave a note to this guy telling him that you like him like himand you told him to text you back and gave him your phone number should you wait for him to text you or should you text him?

My 12 year old daughter says you should text him. However, as her father I would say that you should be doing your math homework and not worrying about boys right now.

How do you get him to text you?

There is no sure-fire way to get someone to text you, but i found if you call them they will usually text back.

Is there a way to text someone from a restricted number?

No, it is not possible to send a text message to someone from a restricted number. A restricted number typically blocks the recipient from seeing the sender's phone number.

Whats Miley Cyrus number fans can text her on and she will text back on?

can u text Miley Cyrus and she will text right back

What do you text back if someone sends you a text saying beautiful?

Anything you wish