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throw it at the wall , if it sticks it is fresh if it doesn't it is likely to be old and dry

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Q: How do you tell how old your chicken is?
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You tell her the truth, and be confident.

How can you tell how old chickens are?

you can tell the age of a chicken by its legs if they are large realy scaley and a big spur they are over one year old, if they are smooth and have the 'new look' they are under 1 year

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In France how can you tell if an egg is organic?

The same way you tell in the U.S. A chicken is a chicken anywhere they are.

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this me and im going tell u about chicken i love chicken

How do you tell if a chicken is a rooster?

If they have a comb

How do you tell spoilage of chicken?

Usually by the smell first and then the chicken feels slimy.

What is the width and height of a chicken?

Depends on how old the chicken is.

How do you tell the age of a chicken?

One way to tell the age of a chicken is by its beak. The more slanted downward it is, the older the bird is.

How can you tell if your just born chicken is male or female?

You can tell by how it acts

How old does a chicken have to be to be out on his own?

2months old

How can you tell if chicken thighs are cooked?

look at them