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Usually, strict parents force their children to wait until 18 or 21 - or even marriage!

You have to finish high school and get a job to make money to take care of yourself.

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Q: How do you tell a strict parent that you are going to move out?
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there is no way to tell your strict parent you must have tell your parent because at the end of the whole thing your parents will find out and it will be so sad and painfull

What age can a parent tell a sibling to move out?

Any age, they could tell you to move out when your are 13 if they want.

How do you i tell my parents I am going to move out?

Tell your parents directly, use sensitivity, be patient and let them process it in their own time. Parents will respect you if you come to them first. A parent's place is to raise you to this point of maturation whereby you move out on your own and become an adult.

Can a 17 year old move out of parent home in Missouri?

Yes, if you have your parent's permission. Without that you are still required to live where they tell you to.

What to do if a kid won't stay in timeout?

If your his parent then tell him or her your going to punish him, if he or she doesnt stay still, or if theres something he or she likes to do everyday, then tell him or her that he or she is not going to be able to do that if he doesnt stay. If your a teacher at school, tell him or her that your going to call their parents and let them know that they are not behaving and that if he or she doesnt stay still any longer, their parent(s) are going to come and talk to him.

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Tell your parent that you have to do something else like take your school final.

What do you do when you're bullied to the point where you are scared to go to school?

That is when you tell a parent or teacher what is going on at school.

Do you have to be emancipated to move out from your parents at the age 16 in Alberta?

yes. and under the conditions if you get parent permission. if you're having troubles at home you can go to the police or social services and tell them whats going on and they can remove you from your home.

How can you tell if your crush is going to ask you out?

they will make a move or they will tell you over 'facebook' coz they are wooses.

How do you get your parents to let you go on a date?

tell your parent that you are going shopping with you friend but you go on the date with the guy you like

How do you tell your parents you're moving in with your boyfriend?

Just tell them! They're your parents, they should understand by now that you're old enough to move in with you boyfriend. But if your parents are super strict and you're sure that they won't approve of it, then forget about it.

How do you stop boys from picking on a girl?

Well there are a couple ways: 1. You do nothing, it just means they like you 2. Move/transfer 3. Say your going to move and then disguise your self. While the previous suggestions might have some chance to of success, the best thing is to tell an adult you trust, like a parent or teacher.