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Assuming the tank is fitted with a 'normal' float valve you can do a temporary fix by making the float apply more pressure on the seal.<br><br>Assuming the arm to which the ball float is attached, this can be achieved by holding one hand in the middle of the arm and one hand on the float. Now push the ball down while resisting the middle of the arm with the other hand. This will bend the arm slightly making the float lower in the water.<br><br>This is only a temporary fix and might not work at all if the seal is split.<br><br>The whole valve and float unit can be bought at a local shop for the price of a couple of beers and takes 10-15 minutes to change with only minimal simple tools needed.<br><br>YOU MUST TURN THE INCOMING WATER SUPPLY OFF BEFORE STARTING THE REPLACEMENT.<br><br>Once the incoming supplu is isolated, turn a couple of cold water taps on to relieve any pressure in the system.<br><br>Hope this helps.<br>

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Replace flapper or check fill valve for problem.

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