temple run, whats app, facebook, twitter, msn , google and really what you want
she dosnet have msn shes just have a twitter and facebook
Jeanette McCurdy who plays Sam has Facebook and Twitter but not msn.
You will have to Check his YouTube, Twitter and Facebook to see if he tells the Public his MSN. (If he has one, that is)
Msn: tictoc.kesha@hotmail.co.uk Her Facebook: Kesha Swagga Sebert Twitter: Keshasuxx
Actually, it's both good. The Blackberry Storm can send files to other phones and can accept files from other phones, and it's good for Twitter, Facebook, MSN, Yahoo, etc. But it's not as good as iphone for playing games, watching videos, and listening to music. iPhone can't accept and can't sends files from/to other phones, and it's not really good for MSN, Yahoo, Twitter, Facebook, etc. It can plays music, games, and videos very well than the Blackberry.
I think that the members of short stack don't use msn, and rather twitter and myspace. You can add them on myspace, facebook and follow them on twitter. Sometimes on twitter they respond to messages you send them (:
He doesn't have a personal Facebook, just a Twitter. Which he posts his feeds to Twitter automatically anyway :D
facebook, myspace and twitter also msn.
I don't know her msn Her facebook page is ryrynewman and she does NOT have a personal facebook account. All the others are POSERS! Ryan also has a VERIFIED twitter account at ryrynewman
Most people thinks iPhone is better than the Blackberry, but the answer is no. They are both good and we can't tell which one if better. Iphone can play games, listen to music, watch videos, and have many tricks better than the Blackberry. But the Blackberry is very good for using Twitter, Facebook, MSN, Yahoo, etc. Blackberry can send files to other phones and accepted files from other phones. But iPhone can't accept and send files to other phones and it cannot really work for people who use Twitter, Facebook, MSN, Yahoo, etc.iphone for shore it is better than black berry and if you need the black berry msn you can have it in iphone every thing in black berry it is on iphone but every thing in iphone it is not in black berry