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(Use multiple browsers. i.e. internet explorer and mozilla, i do it all the time)

easier yet if using IE8.

logon to facebook then from the IE file menu select TOOLS>InPrivateBrowsing this will open a new browser window as an InPrivate Browser, then sign on to another facebook account

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14y ago
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10y ago

Its very easy to open two Facebook profiles at one time through one browser. You just need to open a Firefox window and login to your Fb account. After that open a Firefox private browsing window in which you can again open the FB website and login to another profile. I hope this will resolve your issue, Well even you can open 4 profile at a time you just need to open another browser like chrome.

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12y ago

open in 2 different browers.... eg IE and firefox :)

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14y ago

If you want to be logged into both accounts at the same time, use 2 different browsers, such as Firefox and Google Chrome.

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14y ago

The same as just setting up one...set up 1 page log out and set up another!!

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13y ago

use incognito in google chrome

press ctrl+shift+n

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How do I open another account for face book

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want to open facebook account for husband

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want to open my other account

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