you can go to the consumer forums who are mainly there to help you and support you to fight against the producer who has cheated you . then you can go and collect the form for filing a lawyer is not forget to keep all evidence with you.after filing the case on date of hearing without a lawyer u can solve the case.finaly after all evidence is produced in court,the judge will dictate the this process the consumer forums are your backbone and main support.they help you go all throughthe process to the court R.NO-1257
The Consumer Protection Act 1986 aims to safeguard consumers against unfair trade practices and protect them from exploitation. It ensures the rights of consumers to seek redressal for any defective goods or deficient services. The act also aims to establish consumer councils at various levels to promote consumer rights awareness.
I seek justice for all.
I think the questioner is asking about Small Claims Courts. Simply file a motion requesting to appear and bring the documents to identify your respondant, so that they can be subpoeana'd to appear.
The main function of consumer court is to ensure that every consumer has the right to seek redressal in the courts, and the court should see that the consumer is satisfied by the verdict of the judges and is provided the following reliefs :- o Removal of defects from the good. o Replacement of the goods. o Refund of the price paid. o Award of compensation for the loss or injury suffered. o Removal of defects or deficiencies in the services. o Discontinuance of unfair trade practices. o Withdrawal of the hazardous goods from being offered to sale. o Award for adequate costs to parties. - Sagar Sood
There are six common risk reduction strategies which are customer view points-Ø1.Consumer Seek InformationØ2.Consumer Are Brand LoyalØ3.Consumer Select by Brand ImageØ4.Customer Rely on Store ImageØ Consumer Buy the 5.Most Expensive ModelØ6.Consumer Seek Reassurance
There are all types of employers who post on local job forums. Yopu can find anything from entry level to management positions in these forums and they are a great place to seek employment.
Polonius, his father.
Some reputable grad school forums where you can seek advice and information about the application process and program options include GradCafe, College Confidential, and Reddit's Grad School subreddit.
The US did not seek or gain revenge against Japan after WWII. It did seek justice.