You can find mock exam questions by doing a google search with the following keywords 'SCJP Mock Exam Questions'
Try to search using keywords relevant to Nick using Facebook Search service listed below. It allows to search all Facebook stuff, just by writing the keywords. No logging in is required.
o Yes, No, Maybeo Not, Or, AndSome, Part, All
In SEO (Search Engine Optimization) 'keywords' play vital role. Search engines would list and rank your site based on the keywords you have used and the keywords user enters to search. Example: If you site is about Technical Writing, you need to use keywords related to it - technical writing, documentation, content writing, etc. When users search for these 'keywords' your site comes up in the result page.
Search engines are the programs that search websites for specified keywords and returns a list of websites where the keywords were found.Here are some common search engines available:GoogleBingYahooBaiduYandex
Meta KeywordsKeywords in a HTML document are listed in the meta tag inside the head. These keywords are to assist the search engines in indexing the page. The keywords are taken from the content of the page, that are most often used, reflecting the subject of that page. When a user types in keywords for a search the search engines use keywords to locate the best possible web page related to the search.
Boolean operators are used in search engines and databases to refine search queries. The main Boolean operators are AND, OR, and NOT. AND narrows the search results by requiring all keywords to be present, OR broadens the search results by finding any of the keywords, and NOT excludes specific keywords from the search results.
Currently, the ways to merge duplicate questions (that differ immaterially in content) are not as quick as they could be. A feature is planned whereby you could search for specific keywords and edit (and merge) questions without loading separate pages for each question.
To separate the keywords in a meta tag in HTML, we use the comma (,) For instance <meta name = "keywords" content = "answer, questions, HTML questions">
Us the Search tool at the top righthand side of the page. Type in the following keywords: ask girl out date A number of questions should pop up with answers to similarly worded questions.
Keywords :D
Keywords is used to find the correct search, they prepare the engine to do a faster and quicker selection among these billions of data. Another approach is it find what the keywords is.