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You can rip music off YouTube by using software like RealPlayer. It installs a browser plug-in which allows music or videos to be downloaded on the fly.

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Q: How do you rip songs off of MySpace?
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Are the songs from the rock band store free?

No and it is a total rip-off 3 songs for 5.99

Can you rip songs from the internet?

As that is a very non descriptive question, the answer will also be vague. Yes you can rip songs off the internet. there's different ways of doing it depending on where your trying to get it from.

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What is the difference between usb songs and CD songs?

u get 1 off a usb flash drive or mp3 player/iPod, the other you rip off a CD (copy from CD)

How do you get to MySpace songs?

make a playlist then you can have as many songs as you want

How do you put songs on your MySpace account using LimeWire?

find A site that can host a song for you then generate the code for myspace. or find a website that already has songs just for myspace there are many of them

Do you no how to get a playlest in MySpace?

keep adding songs

Were can you fine dethklok songs to here?


Without it being myspace songs?

What file format does music on a CD have?

This file format of a CD is dependent on the program you use to rip the data off the CD. Normally it is in the Mp3 format, but if you use Windows Media Player to rip the songs off it will be converted into .Wav format. - CascadeNeko

How do you turn your MySpace pictures off private?

stay off myspace. its bad.

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it means frenchkiss