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Q: How do you retrieve your drafts while in mail?
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I typed a very important document in an email to retrieve later since I do not have a printer. I saved it in drafts but it did not save.I tried the back button. How do you get it back?

It sounds like you are using a web-based e-mail client. When using a web-based e-mail client, your e-mail is not saved on your computer. Instead, it is saved on to a server owned by the company that hosts your e-mail address. Since your computer does not save e-mails locally, your computer can not recover it. If the e-mail was not saved to your drafts, it can not be recovered.

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How do you delete a message from the DRAFTS folder in Yahoo Mail?

I gess you could

How can I get retrieve emails from a work computer to a home computer?

The easiest way is to send the e-mails to yourself while at work. Then don't check your e-mail at work until you have checked the e-mail at home.

How can you copy a folder from your Documents into your Drafts Folder in the Yahoo UK mail In order that you may email the folder to anybody Thanks?

To copy a folder from Documents into your Drafts Folder in the Yahoo UK mail and to email the folder to someone, first save a draft to your desktop.

How do you retrieve a archive in Gmail?

Gmail archived mail is available in the "All Mail" tab on the left corner of the Gmail Inbox Screen. Source:

How can i stop mail going into drafts?

To disable it, go to Mail's preferences, select your e-mail account, go to the "Mailbox Behaviors" tab, and uncheck the option to store draft messages on the server

How do you retrieve deleted junk mail?

A mail in junk mail box of was deleted which was important. How to retireve.

How can I Retrieve deleted mails from yahoo mail?

Once mail is deleted, it can not be recovered. You are given at least two warnings about this before you confirm the deletion.

Retrieve g mail sign in and password and have sent to alternative g mail account?

You can use a Gmail's alternative Gmail to retrieve password. The password can be reset via this email account. This is the reason why you need an alternate account.