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Q: How do you reply to journal comments on Okcupid?
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Can you reply to comments in the Apple store?

yes , yes you can

When was OkCupid created?

OkCupid was created in 2004.

Do the Jonas Brothers reply to MySpace comments?

nop they dont

Is it possible to block people from being able to reply to your comments on YouTube?

If the comments are just excessively rude, you cannot do anything about it, as it is freedom of speech. If the comments are spam, just click on the arrow next to the Reply button and mark it as spam. If the comments are hateful, use the Help and Safety tool.

How do you cancel comments on YouTube?

you go on the arrow next to reply and it says remove

How do you chat on okcupid?

To chat on okcupid one must first register for an account. Once they register and fill out their profile information they can visit a chat in the okcupid forums.

What does it mean if someone says your reply is awaiting moderation?

It means that comments aren't approved automatically and an editor will need to read the comments and approve it manually.

Why if i block someone on youtube they can still see my channel and reply to my commets?

If you properly block a Youtube user, they will not be able to see your channel or reply to your comments.

How do you delete comments on youtube?

Move the mouse over the comment and click the arrow next to "reply" then click remove. You can only remove comments that you made or that other people made on your videos.

How does okcupid find matches for people?

Okcupid finds the most suitable partners through the data that were given by the site members. Concerning the shared interests that different people have, okcupid uses an advanced mathematical algorithm to find the perfect match.

How do you reply to a flickr discussion?

You must first be the member of the group and then you will see the dialog box at the bottom of all the other comments.

What is okcupid?

Okcupid is an online dating service. The service matches users based on similar interests and location. The service is free but the user can purchase extra options.