You cannot record gameplay with PlayTV, you can only record TV.
Look for the record button at the bottom.
You could use free screen capture software like LiteCam or HyperCam. But to use these you'll most likely also need the Dolphin emulator to play your Wii games. Luckily the LiteCam program allows to record with built in Web Cams or externals so you can still use it for free and record on your TV instead.
Game cube games have the same gameplay qualities as wii games but have slightly worse graphics, and don't include the use of the wiimote, which enhances gameplay.
You can't yet....
Wii, ps3 only has graphics, wii has best gameplay, AND some of the years best games
No, you should keep it standing up. The Wii has vents on it's sides to keep it cool during gameplay.
Use a video camera.
xbox 360 its got better gameplay
He wanted to create innovative gameplay and bring it to the home. Simple as that.
You dont need to, but wi-fi is needed for online gameplay
capture card