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Besides spacers, a thicker wax ring may be used.

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Q: How do you raise a toilet?
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Can you install toilet in a clean out 4 in off basement floor?

You can build a platform to raise the toilet enough to connect to it or get a wall mount toilet and frame a wall to hang it from.

How do you raise the water level in your toilet?

In the tank no problem in the actual bowl YOU Cant

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you have to raise you're own chickens. you know learn them to go to the toilet and eat at a table and stuff.


Plumbing Toilet, Toilet Repair, Clogged Toilet, Leaking Toilet, Toilet Installation, Toilet Leak, Clogged Toilet Repair, Toilet Repair Service, Plumbing Issues Toilet, Leaking Toilet Flapper, Fix Clogged Toilet, Toilet Leaking At Base, Blocked Toilet Repair & Leaking Toilet Tank

Brass toilet flange soldered to 3 inch copper it is sitting way higher than your new floor what do you do?

Either raise the floor or un-solder the flange and lower it

What is the best non-clogging good cleaning flush toilet with a high seat for a handicapped person?

Briggs, and crane are my favourite.But, if you like your old toilet, you can get seats that raise the height and can be lifted to allow the little grandson to stand and pee.AnswerKohler class five and Toto G-Max flush toilets.

What is the average height of a toilet?

That depends on who is to use the toilet. children's toilet seats (in schools for example) are much lower than in an apartment and old peoples homes have even higher seats. The Swedish standard toilet height (to the rim not including any seat) is 420 mm.

Can adjacent toilet clog cause your toilet to overflow?

Yes, you can adjust the toilet clog to clause your toilet to overflow.

What do the knobs on the bottom of the toilet do?

The knobs on the bottom of the toilet hold the toilet to the bolts that in turn hold the toilet in place on the floor.

Use toilet in a sentence?

TOILET in a sentence: Go plunge the toilet my dear! Ew, that's gross, there are stains on the toilet! Go use the toilet in the ladies room, Annie.

What is the standard distance of the toilet roll holder from the toilet?

It is preferable if the toilet roll holder is placed within the toilet itself. Usually it is within reach of the person using the toilet.

To what is a toilet mounted?

Toilet flange.