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There are different blog and RSS applications you can use. You can also post notes.

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Q: How do you post a blog on Facebook?
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How do you link your blog to your fan page on Facebook?

Install facebook app like RSS Graffiti to connect your blog to facebook. After installing it, copy and embed your Blog's RSS Feed to the app. Customize the setting and you're done! Every post in your blog will automatically posted in your facebook fan page. Hope this helps!

How do you add the like button to a Facebook page?

1. Go to ->getsociallive2. Select -> Facebook Like3. "Post Permalink" -> paste the web address (URL) on your Facebook Page4. "Post Title" -> enter your slogan // name of Facebook page5. Copy Code and paste in to blog post (HTML)

Is Facebook a blog?

Yes it is a type of blog you go on and put up what you feel like saying and your friends can see it. However you can block who sees your post.

How can you get blog traffic when you have none at all?

You need to make sure that you post your blog posts in your Facebook profiles and tweet about it. This way, you can get more readers to it. Additionally, you need to interact with those who are visiting your blog and comment on it. Visit others blog and post your comments. Interaction is very important in order to become a successful blogger.

Is posting and bloging the same thing?

Posting is an act, while blogging is an Activity. You can 'post' to many different social networking or social activity sites - you can post to facebook, or orkut or twitter. You can post to instagram, pinterest, flickr or picasa. You can even post to a Blog. But you 'blog' on a platform, which is (normally) you own.

How can a Facebook blog be started?

To start a Facebook blog you must first sign up to be a Facebook member. After you have joined and logged in, you can go to the Facebook blog App and follow the instructions. Happy blogging!

Can anyone have a Facebook blog?

I do believe that anyone can have a Facebook blog. The one thing I'm not sure of is if you need to have a Facebook account. I highly recommend signing up for a free Facebook account and you can definitely blog.

How do you get people to visit your blog the link is at the bottom titled your Blog?

If you use forums put it after each post. If you have YouTube, Twitter or Facebook post it there You can pay money for Google to advertise when you search Make your blog as varied as possible. People will random click on your blog and give the link if they like it. Search for 'Advertise on the web' in Google. Something will pop up.

Is there a online service that can automatically re-post our rss feed to our facebook page over and over again?

Try rssgrafetti app it will fetch automatically your blog RSS feed to facebook

How would one log onto the facebook blog?

The Facebook blog's are apps that people can subscribe to. The apps are people blogging about different topics. To log on, simply log on to your account and type blog in the Facebook search. You will be redirected to the blog homepage.

How do you hide the row of photos at the top of your Facebook profile?

Hiding Your Facebook Profile PixA very clear and well-written explanation is available on a blog post available via the Related link below.

How do you post on Facebook what you post on Tumblr?

You can't do that. You have to save the post and then post it on facebook.