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Go to the top left corner of your page and click on the middle symbol. (It will look like a word bubble/box). Then a box showing your recent messages will appear. Click on the top right corner of the box, which says, "Send a new message". Once you've clicked that another box will appear but it will be blank. In the "to" section write the name of the person you wish to message. If you would like to add more than one person to the message, just keep typing names. Then click send.

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13y ago
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11y ago

On the top bar of facebook, when you sign in, on the left hand side there will be a an icon that looks like a Message box, click on that, when that comes up on the right hand side it way say "Compose new message", click that, type the name of the person you want to message, and the message you want to send below.


Go onto the person's profile that you wish to send a message to, on the right hand side there will be an option to send a message, click on that and enter your message. the message will be sent to the person immediately.

Warning: All chats will be logged once sent, it will be logged on the other persons side, but no one else will be able to see it, unless he/she shows them.

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14y ago

click in your message board in the left hand blue box.

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13y ago

Type What You Want In Then Click Enter Then Click Go! Simple!

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13y ago

There is no way to do this without illegally hacking into someone's account.

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11y ago

The procedure of accessing the private messages of Facebook through is same like the access from PC, laptop or any other tablet. You are notified when someone send a message to you.

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On the upper right hand corner of the persons wall there is now a "Send Message" icon, click on the words and it will open the standard email form.

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If you compose a message from your Inbox then it is private. If you post something on someone's wall it is not.

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On WikiAnswers, you cannot make your message board private. The message board is available for viewing by anyone on WikiAnswers.When you write a message, this little message appears below the box you type in:"This page isn't private. Although this is for messages to [user], anyone can read what's here. Also, this space isn't for asking questions. That's what the rest of WikiAnswers is for!"

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At the moment there is no private message system, but we are looking into revamping Message Boards.

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(Not-So) Private MessagingThe message boards on WikiAnswers were originally created as public message boards in the same format as the rest of the Wiki. Since we are a Wiki, everything within WikiAnswers is public and open to public contributions. However, WikiAnswers has begun to evolve into a more community-driven, social Q&A site. Some features of WikiAnswers have become private for only one (specific) registered user to have access to edit, such as their own profile. As WikiAnswers continues to turn more towards community, more things will be privately accessible by the registered user, and not open to the entire public - one of which may eventually be the private message boards.

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