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They need to hatch out of their eggs and grow to maturity, before mating and having babies.

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12y ago

Put a boy and a girl back to back in the fridge and leave for 72 hours just not near the chocolate cake Lol

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Q: How do you make your alien egg have babies?
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Can egg aliens have babies without goo?

Alien egg babies cant have babies anyway.

Can goey alien egg have babies?


Do alien baby need to be in egg to have baby?

Alien babies can't have babies but adults can, to make it an adult put the baby in water for about an hour every day/week. But yes they do.

Can you put your baby alien in the freezer in an adult egg without it dying?

I think so! And it may make babies!

Can gooey alien egg have babies?

No, a gooey alien egg cannot have babies because it is not capable of reproduction like living organisms. Gooey alien eggs are typically fictional objects used in storytelling or entertainment.

How do alien in egg have babies?

they swallow it...haha..obvios nmn na eh...tatanung pa!!

How do you make your alien have babies quickly?

2 inches

How do you make another alien from an alien egg?

If you find one please let me know! :D

What do you do with a alien egg elite kids toy?

You play with the alien egg toys, use your imagination, pretend they will hatch into alien babies and you are going to help them save the earth. There are certain alien eggs or gel pills that are immersed in water and grow into spongy aliens. these can be used with soap and water to shower.

Can you make babies if you eat soap?

Eating soap does not make babies. Sperm and egg combined make a baby.

How do you make slime for alien egg?

Slime comes with the egg but if you ever run out there are a couple of science websites that will show you how to make goo

How do you make scardox aliens have babies?

the aliens die if you put them in the freezer wait until alien ready then push babies out