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three ways shift + colon and shift + ) = :) shift + colon and caps lock P= :P caps lock + x and caps lock + d = XD

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Q: How do you make the chat bot smile in cheer up the chat box?
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Can you make your own chat room bot program?


What is that website called where you make your own avatar chat bot for you and other people to talk to?

IMVU or Runescape,(:

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How do you chat on clever bot?

if you make a cleverbot account you can save your conversations click conversations and then click edit and save

Do you have to pay for chat bot 2 on mousebreaker?

No, it's free!

How do you make a bot on toontown?

u can make a bot disguise but not a real bot.

How do you make a bot on pokemonlake chat?

Basically it's an IRC channel. You can make your own bots by scripting them or you can just get the available ones. >To see a list of available bots, type: /bs list >To get the bot in your channel, type: /bs assign #YourChannel BotName

What’s a bot?

well In IRC (internet relay chat) a bot can either do a good or bad thing Friendly bots are just things what automaticly say hello in a chat channel or say have a nice day, but a bad bot is something what flood joins or crashes a IRC server/network

How do you make a you-bot can't find the webpage?

=make a you-bot=

Where could you chat to Santa?

santa bot .com or or santa and elfs

On gh3 how do turn on bot?

how do you make a bot