

Best Answer

Well, the main idea is that your infs can make friends friends with other infs. That's the coolest part. If you're still interested in the boring "making friends with people", go to the forum There are loads of people there, who want to be friends with you.

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What are the lyrics for the song badgers?

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Are you wants to make friends?

Yes. I want to make friends. Everybody love to make friends.

When was How to Make Friends created?

How to Make Friends was created in 2008.

How do you make friends when everyone already has friends?

make a convesation and get to know them

How do you make friends on fight my monster?

you can only make friends if you are a member.

What to do if you need to change to make friends happy?

get new friends. real friends don't make you do anything

What to do if your boyfriend has friends and you dont?

Make friends with your boyfriends friends

How can you find and make friends on

you can not make friends but you can find people on someone's profile by searching on the find friends.

How do you make friends with couples?


What do you do if you have no real friends?

make real friends

Make friends before you need them?

I would make friends just if I want to have friends. You can't be a friend of everyone's but I think it's no fun not to have any friends.

How can a kid make friends?

kids can make friends by being kind,joining a sport,and get out and about!!!