Оцифровка видео
Профессиональная оцифровка видеокассет VHS, VHS-C, S-VHS, Video8 (8mm), Hi8, Digital8, MicroMV и MiniDV (SD и HDV) на DVD диск (ДВД) или на компьютер. Оцифровка видео на самом высоком уровне качества (улучшение видео, обработка, редактирование, видеомонтаж). Киев.
Оцифровка видеокассет
Мы предоставляем услуги по качественной оцифровке (захвату): видео записанного на видеокассетах для видеомагнитофонов и видеокамер формата VHS, VHS-C, S-VHS, S-VHS-C, Video8, Digital8, MicroMV и miniDV (раздел - «Оцифровка видеокассет»);
It is necessary to have a Google account to register a comment on YouTube. This is an excellent way to provide feedback to people who are watching your videos. In order to leave a comment, a user must include their account information and other certain details. Once these fields are filled out, click the comment box. A user can provide their name, an email address and leave a comment. This information must be filled out before one can click the comment button.
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No, it will not be viewed on YouTube. It will only remain on Facebook.
I suppose it's something YouTube / Google inserted in order to avoid spam comments :)
YouTube refreshes comments at a rate of 100 per day. In order to get the refresh button, you'll need to accumulate 1000+ comments. If you have 10k comments, you'll get a refresh button for 50 comments per day.
move to http://buybulkyoutubeviews.com/ for some likes views and comments
When you delete your YouTube account, it just deletes your channel (and videos, if you have any).Comments do not disappear from videos and Channels.
Er... No.
YouTube itself is not inappropriate, though many videos and comments on the site are.
Check on your YouTube account
You need to have 1000+ comments and the "Refresh" button will appear.
You have to go to more comments and it will show more comments and if u only have a little of comments then it will maybe just show in 1 page.
You can find the comments section of a video by scrolling down. Some videos will not have any comments at all, which will mean that you won't see any comments displayed.
Yes, every member can see all comments.