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Q: How do you level up the pet in wiz101 to adult?
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How do you level your pet up in wow?

Pets will automatically level as you do. When you gain a level, your pet gains a level.

What do you do with an adult pet in wizard101?

You can train it up to Mega, enter it in Pet Derbies, and hatch a pet with it.

Where do you get talents for your pets in wizard101?

You have to train them in the Pet Pavillion. When they level up (teen, adult, ancient etc.) they will get new talents. Which talent you get is pretty much random though.

How old do they have to be to breed on wizard 101?

The pets have to be adult. Take the pet to the pet pavilion and play games with it, the xp builds up and the pet goes from baby to teen to adult (you have to be a lvl 5 wizard to go to the pet pavilion) and the pet pavilion is in the commons.

How do you level up your call pet in wow?

Well it depends what level it is. If it is significantly lower level than the monsters you are questing on. Then go to a mob who's level is equal or just higher than the pets level, then just keep killing them until your pet levels up. Then keep doing that until your pet is the level that you desire. Or you can just 'Tame' another pet that is your level.

How do you level up quick on pet shop?

Dun no

How do you level your pet up on Movie Star Planet?

play with it!

How do your get your pet a hat on Movie Star Planet?

Level it up.

How do you get a grown up pet on happy pets?

You can't get adult pets on happy pets, you have to raise them your self. But if you have a nice neighbor, with an adult pet they would be willing to give to you, then they can put it in the adoption center thing.

How do you drop more then one pet in the menagerie on runescape?

To add more than one pet in the menagerie you simply follow the same method as your 1st pet: click on pet and 'use' on pet house (assuming you have built a pet house ) remembering that the amount of pets you can deposit is dependant on your construction level i.e level 37 up to 3 pets, 52 up to 6 pets and level 67 up to 10 pets. To remove pets from the menagerie, click on your pet house and click on your pet from the menu, which will return your pet to your inventory.

Can you evolve on epic pet wars?

You cannot evolve on epic pet wars, you simply level up. You can level up by doing jobs, winning battles, or using special battlemaster items.

How do you get a pet pets level to go up on neopets?

You go to the Coltan's Shrine and if your lucky you may just get a level up and you can also level up by playing in the battledom alot.