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Aalliah Williams is A Facebook Scene Kid She has 5,000 Friends on Facebook and 5,000 Subscribers She Was Also On MTV's True Life
5 subscribers
5,349,250 subscribers *As of March 29, 2012
Yes. Hrithik Roshan is on facebook. He posts his thoughts every now and then in there. He also has tonnes of subscribers who love to read his posts and see his pics.
You'll just have to ask them. Facebook does not know who has or does not have a Blackberry.
It is unknown how many subscribers are there, but they have a worth of over 11 million dollars, when they started they only had 400 subscribers, and now they have about estimated 10 million.
The number of cellular subscribers was 30 million in 1993
The number of cellular subscribers was 1 billion in 2002
111 million subscribers as of october 21, 2012