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sometimes they are in the penguin style catoulouge or you can get them free in parties and if you get the spy phone press the little red flashing button and three tools will pop out that you can use in the game hope this helps.

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Q: How do you get tools on club penguin?
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How do you get killing tools in Club Penguin?

Since club penguin is a site mainly meant for children, there are no killing tools on club penguin. You might have seen some videos that have killed penguins in them but they're actually edited.

Where are tools in Club Penguin?

On the club penguin gadget phone. You can get them by pressing the red button on the top on the gadget phone. The 3 tools are a wrench, comb, and scissors.

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in the lighthouse,get the can

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Cloud Penguin is a trainer (a program in which you can use in conjunction with Club Penguin, to have access to diverse tools, including cheats) for Club Penguin made by MhX and Asynchronee.

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On club penguin where do you get the wrench?

go to your spy phone and click "tools"

How do you get Club Penguin tools to kill penguins?

Theres no way you can do this thing

How do you download club penguin storm 12.5?

Penguin Storm. Penguin Storm is no longer available after they went into hot water with Disney. Penguin Storm no longer exists, nor does Microchips123's other Club Penguin hacking tools.

Where is the wrench in club penguin?

in your tools in your spy phone HOPE THIS HELPS B)

Where do you find a wrench in Club Penguin?

go to your phone and hit tools at the top

How do you fix the teloscope on club penguin?

use the spanner in your spy phone tools