Yes, the Palm Treo 650 ships with a 0.3 megapixel (640x480) camera.
You can download ringtones for your Palm Treo at most ringtone sites. has a great selection of ringtones for your phone unit at an affordable price.
The Palm's handheld phone, the Palm Treo 650 was the successor to the original Palm Treo, the Palm Treo 600. The newer version maintained the same style, shape and features with faster processing and slightly more evolved applications and formatting.
Unfortunately not - all versions of the Palm Treo 650 do not ship with wifi.
Sprint is one of the cellular telephone service providers who offer the Palm Pilot series of smartphones. The Palm Treo 650 can be purchased from any Sprint store or satellite office.
Go to the "Prefs" app.
htc Palm Treo 650 world's first touch screen phone
The first Treo is not a phone at all, but merely a Personal Digital Assistant or PDA. This first unit (called "Treo 90") was released by Handspring on May 28, 2002. It had a 160x160 pixel screen and ran Palm OS 4.1. After the earlier releases, more notable releases in the Treo line include the Treo 600 (2003) and the Treo 650 (2004), which remained on shelves for pretty long periods of time. From 2006, Palm began to offer their devices in two versions - One running their own Palm Operating System, and the other running Windows Mobile. This move was met with some criticism and skeptism, but was eventually accepted. In the same year, Palm offered the Treo 680, which was a breakthrough as it is the first Treo device not to have an antenna that sticks out from the phone body. From then on, all Treo phones do not have the antenna which was characteristic of the Treo 650. As the Treo lines evolve, the two latest products are the Palm Centro (Palm OS) released in 2007, and the Palm Treo Pro (Windows Mobile) released 2008. These phones had very similar form factors and specifications and can be considered two versions of the same phone. With the recent release of the Palm Pre, the Treo line is now receiving less attention and may eventually be phased out by the newer Web OS products.
Generally no - A phone locked for a particular carrier will not operate on another network.
The Palm Treo 800w was released on July 13, 2008.
Palm Treo Pro was created on 2009-01-05.
I would say about 20 to 50 dollars a month for the palm treo I have heard that you can buy a palm treo offline but i am not sure