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If you go to the map of Neopia, you'll find it right of Mystery Island and Maraqua

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Q: How do you get to moltara on Neopets?
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What if you lose a worm on Neopets in moltara?

The worm that you have lost will reappear in Moltara.

What do you give to tangor on Neopets?

You give him the glowing worms that you found around moltara. username on neopets: horseeys1998

How do you get free lanterns for worms from moltara on neopets?

You go to the lantern place at moltara and then it will say "something has happened! you have found a empty lantern on the floor!"

Where is the Neopets moltara rainbow worm?

It is right were the steps are to go to the caves. Keep refreshing and then you will find it.

Where is the magma leader in Neopets?

There is no true magma leader, but famous Moltarians that lead certain activities are the Mayor of Moltara and Aldric Beign, the Altador Cup Captain of the Moltara Team. You can find the Mayor of Moltara at the City Hall, and Aldric Beign at the Altador Cup.

How do you sneak past moltara guard in neopets?

You can sneak past him when he is asleep but I don't know when he is asleep my mum told me.

How do you get in the cave in moltara on Neopets?

You have to go into the light shop in moltara and get an empty lantern (its free). Then you collect the worms in moltara they are all over the place and some are really rare to see. Next you go to your inventory and click on the lantern and choose to put all the worms in there, enjoy finding your way around in the cave ;-D

What are the miscellaneous gears used for in Neopets?

They are used to build petpets in one of Moltara's shops. You need the gears, scrap metal, Red Moltite and Obsidian.

Where is the light source for the lantern in Neopets?

You must collect the 10 coloured worms located at moltara city, main map and the cave thing. and then fill it,

At what time do the glow worms appear on Neopets?

They don't appear at specfic times, they appear randomly in (I think) periods of 10 minutes. So if you look at one Moltara area and don't see any, refreshing straight away won't ever help, you need to check again 10 minutes later (or so) and see if any have appeared.

How do you make the guard let you in on Neopets?

If you're talking about the Magma Pool in Moltara, it's random. Just keep refreshing and eventually he'll be asleep and you can sneak in. Otherwise, you have to be "wise in the ways of Moltara" or whatever, and I'm afraid I'm not sure on that one... but this might help a bit: Good luck! =)

Where is the black moltara worm?

It is Located in Moltara but I think that the worm quests are over...