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it is not possible

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Q: How do you get rid of cracks in your Bin Weevils nest?
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Are any celebritys on Bin Weevils?

there was a celebrity party on bin weevils but they got rid of it.:(

How do you get rid of the junk in your plaza on bin weevils?

Go to haggle hut

How do you get rid of the stop sign in your nightclub on Bin Weevils?

I dont no thats what i wanna know

Can you get rid of your bin pet bin weevils?

Well you can but you can't if your a member then you can and when your member ship runs out your bin pet will go so you can and you can't :s

How do you get rid of the things you buy on Bin Weevils?

To get rid of the things you buy you need to go to a place on the map called haggle hut and go to the middle tunnel then sell your stuff.

How do you get rid of paper wasp nest?

you can just burn the nest.

How do you get rid of your bin pet and give it to someone ells?

you can't get rid of your bin pet! and you can't give to someone else your bin pet won't listen to the person you gave your bin pet to because it only listens to the owner of the bin pet! if you ask again you can't get rid of your bin pet now bye!

How do you get rid of maggots in bin?

Have the bin man dispose of the material in his refuse truck. Then wash out your bin.

How do you get rid of weevils?

If they're in your flour, you can sift them out and then put the flour in an airtight container.

Can you get rid of wasp nest?


How do you get rid of bin pets?

you cant

How can you get rid of plastic?

You chuck it in the bin