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you cant

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Q: How do you get rid of a signature for texts on a Verizon LG cosmos?
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I recently got a new phone the LG Cosmos 2 even when I dont touch anything something called the Daily Scoop pops up and I think it costs money Do you know how to get rid of it?

To get rid of it try following these steps: • Launch Daily Scoop • Select 'Menu->Verizon Msgs' • Choose 'Off' and 'Save'. • Repeat the same procedure for 'Menu->Bonus Msgs'

Will AT and T or Verizon get rid of their prepaid service?

These companies make too much money off of pre paid services to get rid of them.

How do you get rid of subtitles on Verizon fios?

press the cc button on remote until it turns off

How do you get rid of Internet Monitor Speed?

Is the speed is controlled by your ISP for eg Verizon then you cannot change the speed.

How do you delete unlimited texts on o2?

First of all: why do you want to get rid of unlimited texts!?? :Oif you call the robot for o2 and move to a differentprice plan it will automatically delete your unlimitedtexts... I did this by accident once!

How do you get rid of Verizon DSl webpage on your broswer?

You go the file setup and change the location You go the file setup and change the location You go the file setup and change the location

Where can I sell used Verizon cell phones?

There are several places that you can go to cell your old Verizon phones. Local pawn shops purchase cell phones from sellers. There are online communities devoted to those who aim to get rid of old electronics for a price. is one of the most well-known places to sell.

How did McDonald's react to the Super Size Me movie?

There was actually fairly strong reaction to the documentary "Supersize Me" from McDonald's. They got rid of their signature extra large fries and sodas in response.

How do you get over your Ex when she keeps coming in and out of your life?

Get rid of everything that makes you think of her as girlfriend status: pictures-on your phone, camera, computer, etc., texts from her, emails from her, letters from her, anything that will remind you of what was, get rid of. then, whnever you see her, say hi and try to create a friendship with her so she can be a part of your life in a different way than before.

What does it mean when someone is trying to text and receives this message SMS Error 98 Message ID 150?

I may think it means they either sending that to you because they are trying to get rid of you ( the person you are texting), or you have no free texts or credit left.

What is the value for Arnold palmer autograph?

priceless.....why would you want to get rid of an Arnold Palmer autograph anyways