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To get moves on meez there are different ways. There are ways that you have to pay for, and ways that just there but are unknown. For free moves there are things like Kyle, Boogie/dance, sit rockout/kamikaze, and many more. The rest i did not name because they tend not to work right now so like yeah. And for moves you pay for... you have Stanky leg, jerk, cupid shuffle, island two step (Very popular) chill (not dancing just relaxing) Kicking, and more. there are also things such as free but you still have to buy... miley cyrus(what ever her name is... but it's singing) and for the boys and sometimes girls Guitar bodyslam. For more info Add me please...

meh-rawr523. Thank you.

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Q: How do you get moves on meez?
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How do you use moves on meez?

You have to buy the animations in Meez Nation. But DO NOTby them in Meez Maker.

How do you get the dance moves on meez?

you can get meez moves by going to dark attic and talking to the man whos sad and at baby bling they cost 1500 coinz . i hope this helps

Where can you get moves on meez?

There are certain rooms like a beach room.. There will be a guy. You click him and then it will show moves.

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go to ur meez maker and go to amocons

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first u got to add wybre_killen and if u want free vip move contact meez at simple

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all star prom...has the hip hop shuffle and check out my swag

Where can you buy dance moves at on meez?

You can buy dance moves at Baby Bling (Both of Them) and you can buy Lollipop(VIP) or Cupid Shuffle. Both of them are 2000 coinz. You can buy Island Two Step (VIP) at any place that is in Chillville. Theres also 'Thriller' which can be found in meez hillz - mercy hill hospital - emergency entrance.

Where is the circus on meez?

In the meez nation. In meez hills.

Will you lose your vip moves on meez if your vip expires?

Depends on which VIP moves you mean, the ones like VIP Dance, VIP Flirt, The Monthly VIP animation, and The Dougie will go away, because those are the meez exclusive VIP moves, but moves like Island Two-Step, Lollipop, Double Punch, Jump Kick, Frustrated Scream, etc. will stay because those are animations that you bought with your coinz. Every animation you buy with your meez coinz will stay on your account until you either delete your account, or get banned, if you delete it, and renew it, I'm not sure, but I think you still have the animations you bought (with your meez coinz). If you're banned for a certain amount of time, when you're unbanned, depending on whether or not you still are a current VIP when your infraction expires, you will still have them all, but if you're banned for life, you never get anything of yours that you bought (with meez coinz or real life money) back, they're lost forever.

How can you contact meez?

Meez forums

How do you get free vip on meez without downloads or surveys?

can i get a free meez vip on meez

Can you have a Meez user name and password?

Yes, in order to have an account on Meez, you have to have an account on Meez!