You can! they can sometimes be found in the catalog in a month or two but if you want to find really old,really new,or really rare they're hidden in the catalog somewhere, Happy Hunting!
Well, I don't totally agree with the answer before, but if you REALLY want old items on Club Penguin you can get Penguin Storm, I don't totally recommend it but if you want to get old items it SOMETIMES works, it usually says: This item is patched and cannot be permed, you might even get banned, I use Penguin Storm, you can visit they're site at, Have a safe and wonderful day, i hope this helped! : )
Youu go into either the gift shop, or sports shop, or anywhere else youuu can buy stuff, + , then, click on the little catalougue in the bottom right hand corner, and click on it, then whatever clothes or backgrounds, pins, whatever youuu want (!!), just click on the buy button if youuu can afford it. Unfortunately, most clothes youuu want to buy, youuu have to be a member to buy. sorry :(
Ok, if you want to get clothes on your statue, you don't just put them on. Every once in a while, there will be a statue with clothes in the igloo catalog. You buy the statue and (if the cheats still works) you can CHANGE the clothes!! Awesome right?! I think this will help. But if the cheat doesn't work, find me on YouTube. My name is all4kristen. OK!! I REALLY hope I helped!! :) < :
you have to be a member but you go to the gift shop and but cloths after you click on the catalouge
but if you find free clothes, you click yourself and then a thing comes up and you click the little tab which shows you your inventory. you can then click on the clothes you wish to wear!
How do you get clothes on club penguin if not member in 2011
You Cannot Trade Clothes On Club Penguin Unfortunately! :(
you have to be a member
You cant If you want member clothes that you can always wear,then buy a club penguin toy when you buy a club penguin toy you can get clothes that might never in the club penguin catalog.
club penguin doesn't allow you to sell your clothes. I wish they did. srry
click on the clothes your wearing
No sorry. You will have to buy new clothes
you cant
You get clothes for free in club penguin by events.
Nope, but if you have herbert's revenge then you can get a couple things with the code.
u get clothes at the gift shop on CP