you use alt codes, for example; on habbo if you hold down alt and type 0159 you get a heart symbol. search in Google, habbo alt codes. i hope this helps youu^_^♥.
Mabye tinkerbellx_x
All the cool peops in the world x
well they can talk to her on bebo if u have a bebo page and me and my friends did and it was so cool. So u can talk to her is she is on
hah, Cool story, bro.
You have to look at the letters carefully and then enter them in or im afraid you cant use bebo!
Itss a bebopage made by Keith jack- the photographer??? Hes really cool !!!
It's a Captcha. Its a different word each time. Just enter the letters that are in the picture
It's a cool guys face. He has sun glasses on. (h) means hot
You can still get a bebo just register at
Bebo stands for "blog early, blog often"
Go to bebo and add bebo mobile. But it is 99c per day!:O Go to bebo and add bebo mobile. But it is 99c per day!:O