If You Want The Brown One Its In The Treasure Book.If You Want The Blonde One.Its At The Stage Now
Well a cute penguin is usually one with a boa or the side pony tail, and those people mostly get all the attention.
easy just get a cheerleader outfit from the snow and sports catalog and put ur hair like a side pony or just a pony tail And Add Me On Club Penguin If You See Me For Some Popularity Points My User Is Chub Bunny
You cannot side- twist on Club Penguin. But, if you go to actions, you can dance, wave and, sit in different directions.
Club Penguin are your for real kids need to go out side more
Your Inventory in club penguin is that you have to first click on your penguin (or the star on your cp toolbar) and then click on the arrows on the right hand side of your player card.
on the side of your screen
Well there may be problems with your computer and it may be too slow. Or, you might have problems with your cache on Club Penguin. Or there could even be a problem on Club Penguin's side.
It is not called the blond side tied too. the brown one is called side tied TOO because the blond one came out first. It was at the play Team Blue's Rally Debut. To get the side tied (aka the blonde side tied too) hair on Club Penguin, you buy it from the sports catalog at the stadium. This October it is on the cheerleaders page. Hope this helps! ;)
left lapel of the rider's jacket
Click on the star, on the left hand side of your toolbar or click on your penguin. Your penguin will have a blue circle around it.
it is at the beach on the right side of the lighthouse.
at the dock ont the bottom left side