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Flirt. Be cute and confident and not needy.

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Q: How do you get a boy to like you by texting if your 14?
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You like a guy but im texting his brother?

Well, if you like the guy rather than his brother, you should consider texting the boy you like rather than his brother as if the boy you like also likes you he may feel that you like his brother when really you don't.

I like this boy but what should i do?

text him...ask him out...texting is the new way to do things.

Are you an boy that im texting?


How do you text a boy?

By Texting them usually

Should you stop texting boy its hurting your boyfriend?

Yes, because you are dating him, not the guy you're texting.

Im 13 And The Boy you Like Is 14 Is That Bad?

no, if your 13 and who you like is 14,it is not bad

Why does a 14 year old girl act like she likes you in person as a girlfriend then when you text her she texts like she doesn't like you?

It could be the type of language she uses in texting. we all have our own attitude when we are on facebook or when we're texting so don't take it personally (:

I was texting a girl and she asked me if i would go out with a boy i said yes she told the boy then the boy said a girl likes me and i like them too do you think he likes me?

It depends ask your friend if he said it seruously.if he did then maybe he does!

How do you ask a boy out in texting?

Just flat out ask him - Will you go out with me?

How do ask a boy who he likes?

Its not hard at all, if you no the boy then its simple just say who do you like then ? or if your texting or are on msn just simply say '' hul '' ( hu u lovin ). that's what i do anyway.

What does it mean when a boy calls you Bebe?

When a boy calls you baby (or babe) like when your talking to him in a conversation or texting him, they are letting you know they are there to love you and take care of you! It is a good thing when they call you that, I think of it like you mean something to them and that you have a special place in there heart!

What does 25519 meaning in texting?

25519 meaning so sorry i have boy friend