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Gaia subscribers are able to Stream yoga, meditation, and mind-expanding programs that provide a true alternative to mainstream media. Gaia offers a holistic approach to help fuel the daily pursuit of a conscious life

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Karim HΓ£snaoui

Lvl 2
βˆ™ 3y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Currently the most common path users take is investing in a bundle pack from the cash shop when they come up. Usually it's about 10 dollars (9.99), but the items inside give you a chance at some pretty rare items. Rarer items go for millions, other overly common ones may go for about 10,000.

Another good idea is entering a contest, there are writing, design, avatar and art contests. If you have skills you can trade them for gold and items.

The last I'll mention takes the longest but isn't as affective as it used to be since Gaia was flooded with cash items. This technique is investing 2.50 in a monthly collectible letter and hoarding it. Items normally increase in value over time, however as I mentioned above now that there are so many cash items the general worth of monthly collectibles this method doesn't return as much as it used to.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

the best way to make millions on gaia is to buy things cheap in market place, then sell them high , always works! also forums and contest, plus minishop

jobs will help also

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