

Best Answer

You feel that you learned something new and you feel refiled with information.

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Q: How do you feel when your question is answered?
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How do you feel when your question is never answered?

I hate it and get fusturated when that happens

How do you know when your question gets answered?

You know because you feel it in your heart.

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Umm, I don't feel you need that question answered...

How does a groundhog feel just befor it begins it long sleep?

No one can tell you how they feel, since no humans speak groundhog. We can assume they feel fat and sleepy, but no one can say for sure. And if you write in this part, the computer assumes your question has already been answered, and sends it over to the "been answered" pile- where it will not GET answered. I caught your question by chance.

How does a groundhog feel just before it begins its long sleep?

No one can tell you how they feel, since no humans speak groundhog. We can assume they feel fat and sleepy, but no one can say for sure. And if you write in this part, the computer assumes your question has already been answered, and sends it over to the "been answered" pile- where it will not GET answered. I caught your question by chance.

Can you edit the capitalization or punctuation of a question that has already been answered?

Yes, feel free.

How do girls feel?

ok. You have to make your question clear what do girls get when what. make it clear. Then it will be answered.

How do you feel when they are courted by boys?

Please resubmit your question as to clearly present what you would like answered. Thank you.

What does with my hands mean when the repondent answered to a question of how did he feel on the day he got retired after forty years serving for Superior Court Bench in a journalistic interview?

It's a pun. He answered not what his emotional state was (one meaning of how do you feel) but how he touched things to find out how they feel (another meaning of how do you feel.)

Will this question be answered instantly?

No. For it to be instantly be answered, it would have to be answered as you type the question.

Why is this the best website?

Because you can ask any appropriate question and almost always it will be answered and you can also feel good about answering someone else's question.