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Q: How do you fake calls on your cellphone?
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How do you fake calls?

Install Call Cheat Manager .jar to your cellphone. You could get it here

How do you transfer calls cellphone to cellphone?

you dont as a parent this is a invasion of privacy today

How do you transfer your cellphone to another cellphone to receive calls?

push the call butten

How do you find out who is listening to your cellphone calls?


Can fake cellphones get internet?

fake cellphone are low of memory, you can internet but limited can set the gprs setting first before you can internet on your cellphone depends on your service provider.

What exactly is a cingular cellphone?

A Cingular cellphone is a phone that is tailored or made specifically for the Cingular cellphone network. Cingular at the time had a GSM network that used a specific cellphone band to make and receive calls.

Effect of cellphone?

The cellphone allows people to make phone calls when they are not at home or at work. It allows people make calls from the supermarket and ask their family members about last-minute purchases they should make.

How do you know if someone 3way calls your cellphone?

U dont until they pick up

Does Demi Lovato have a cellphone?

Yes She Does. Its 972-499-4918. She Even Calls Back.

How do you tell what calls were made when my cellphone was stolen?

Call the phone company and request the record

What does it mean when someone calls you a poser?

That youre a fake

How do you get the book bag in Giza in Poptropica?

Once you have the cellphone and the shovel dial the cellphone number that's on the shovel. It calls the guy guarding the bag so you can sneak over there and get the bag.