yes you can.
follow these directions...
1.log into your account
2.go to where you log out but don't log out that little box should be...
"Help Center"<----click that
"Sign Out"
4.once you get to the help center, there should be a button that says "Site Help"
click that button...
5.look at the list on the left side of the page
6.there is one of the buttons that says settings click that
7.go all the way to the bottom where there is a box labled "closing your account" that box highlighted in blue is " contact us"
9.a box should pop up and you can write a very polite message saying you want to quit weeworld
10.after several days they will send you an email saying something like "are you sure you want to quit?
Yes She does have a kidzworld account her name is RussoWizards and i am amlu9
don't get on there for a while it will delete its self
Yes you can by sending a email explain the problem.
before you go as far as deleting the account i would suggest looking into the parental controls, from there you can control how many hours they can play per day
just nothing to do,....wait until sometime ( 1 week).
sammie hanratty has as kidzworld she is sammiestar24
You can delete your Nimbuzz account can be deleted easily. You can to to your settings to delete. then select the delete account option.
It is very easy to delete an account at You will need to log into your account and go to your account info to delete your account.
how to delete history from way2sms
how can delete my adult friendfinder please delete my account
my account has been delete
I want to delete my account