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Q: How do you delete everything on iCloud?
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How do you delete icloud without it deleting your stuff?

by deleting it it will not delete your stuff only the stuff on icloud.

Can you delete an itunes account?

No. you cant. as far as i know. But you can delete game center, mobile me, or icloud. hope this helps.

How do you disable a iCloud account on a ios device?

The only way to "disable" the account on your device only is to go into Settings>iCloud and turn everything off. If you are willing to close your iCloud account permanently on all of your devices, scroll down on that same menu to find the big red "Delete Account" button. Good luck, and keep your head out of the clouds.

How do I delete from my iPad?

To delete A app You simply Hold It Then Click the Little X That Pops Up On it :)

When you have the same apple ID in your iPad and iPhone but delete something from your iPhone does it delete in your iPad?

Only if it's via the iCloud. Otherwise you might need to remove it from all devices manually. Apps deleted on one device do not affect other devices. Photos are backed up to the iCloud in the Photostream group, so you can delete them on one device and they will still appear on others.

Will Reset iPod 4g delete apps?

Yes. But you can put them back on for free and you can keep the data if you back them up on iCloud

How do you fix an apple iPod 16gb when locked out of a icloud account?

There should be a button on itunes that says restore. If you click that it will restore all the original setting on your iPod. It will delete all apps but the apps should be saved on itunes on your computer. It will not delete songs.

Can you transfer everything on your iPod touch to a new one?

If you have iCloud then yes or if you back up on iTunes then you also can.

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What haPpens when you delete an account off of iCloud?

if you dont have ur pictures, videos saved then it pretty much is gone forever. so in other words it resets it

How do you delete an entire page at once?

...Highlight everything on it and press delete or backspace.

How do you delete my space layout?

Go To Edit Profile,Go To Your About Me&& Delete Everything In There, (: