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You can't delete clothes. If you bought it, you bought it.

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13y ago

click on the cloth you want to remove on your penguin...

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Q: How do you delete clothes you did not mean to bye on club penguin?
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How do you send clothes to other penguins on Club Penguin?

Do you even know what club penguin is??If you do you would know that you cant send clothes to penguins on club penguinhopefully they will let us do that.....for now no!!!This is a mean comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What do you press to delete stuff on club penguin?

If you mean stuff you bought, you can't(i don't think you can...)

How much clothes is there on Club Penguin?

By clothes do you mean anything you can put on your penguin? If you do then no one can really say how many things there are. They are always making new ones so there really is no end. ( Meet me on Club Penguin sometime, put a message on my message board to arrange it)

How do you delete your penguin?

If you mean Club Penguin then I know. But if it isn't, and I'm giving you the wrong answer, sorry. Here are a few ways to do it 1. Ignore your account for 90 days, and CP will by and by delete your account 2. Get your penguin banned 3. Somehow email CP that you want to delete your account

Where is Club Penguin HTML?

you mean for a club penguin trainer or to make a widget for club penguin?

What does CP mean in Club Penguin?

CP stands for Club Penguin.

How can you get rid of a penguin in Club Penguin?

You ban them, of course! ------------------------------------------------- well you can delete them from your friend's list and ignore them. But..... i need to know more about what your situation is. Like did he say something mean. Tell me i can help.

How do you out the boat together on Club Penguin?

What do you mean, "How do you out the boat together on club penguin?"

What does CP mean on Club Penguin?

Actually, CP is short for Club Penguin

How do you copy a penguin on Club Penguin?

If you mean copy what they are wearing, that's easy. Just wear the same clothes. If you don't have an item they have, substitute it with something similar.You can't copy a real PENGUIN on Club Penguin. It's just not possible. You can have a free penguin, though you won't be able to do all the member stuff.

Can you download on Club Penguin?

If you mean wether you can download stuff from Club Penguin, then, yes! You can download stuff from them such as Club Penguin wallpapers.

How do you get the wrench on Club Penguin?

If you mean ds its in one of the coffee couches. If you mean the real club penguin you can't get it.