unfortunately gaia accounts cannot be deleted. only your avatar can. but your account will never be deleted.
Dude, if you don't want it anymore, can you please give it to me? Mine was hacked about a week ago, and I haven't been able to tell anyone why I haven't been getting on. :/ So if you don't wanna use it anymore, could you give me the account login info please?
username : soshi_12
pass: marshmellow321
sure but i tried it and i can't get on so sorry it doesn't work anymore
Here, mine works, but its a girl,
pass: SilverTiger
please take this, and do what you wish, but can you inform my friends of my new account or something please? thanks.
Daretobeextreme pass youremyworldlove7
Free to anyone , please inform friends I'll be back with a new account , is free to who ever . name has been changed a bunch total for next change is 110,000 , There no items and basically 17 gold , 3 gaia cash .
Fire William
pass: wk12345
Log into Gaia Online. Hover over MY GAIA and then go to ACCOUNT SETTINGS. Scroll down until you see AVATAR GENDER. Then in the paragragh, you will see DELETING YOUR AVATAR which is in blue with an underline. Click on that.
Yes, You keep all your items.
Yes, but you'll have to delete your avatar. It won't affect your inventory in any way, so your avatar can still wear the same things. There are some items that change your eyes, but these are usually expensive.
You can customize it with clothing items from your inventory. You can buy hairstyles and tattoos (or the inks to make the tattoos). If you want to change your eyes or skin color, however, you'll need to delete your avatar. Deleting your avatar won't affect your inventory in any way. You can do this from the Customize Me page.
Go to the category "My Gaia," then click on "Avatar." You will then be taken to where you can customize your avatar with the clothing you have.
Clicking the Avatar itself will take you to the editing page of your Avatar.
Be a little more specific. If you're talking about if your avatar is like a vampire, then check the 07 Halloween event. Here's the URL if you want to change the skin. http://www.gaiaonline.com/event/halloween2007 If you want some other eye type, then you have to delete your avatar and make a new one by going to the page where you customize your avatar and then, click on DELETE avatar or go to this URL. http://www.gaiaonline.com/profile/main.php?mode=delete
you can not equip a fishing rod to your avatar its not possible
Your Xbox should ask you to delete an avatar when you run out of space for one
You can't
when you go to avatars.yahoo.com and when you log in to your account you will see the word preferences in the left hand corner click that then you will see "change avatars gender" or "Delete Avatar" Click on the orange button that says delete and you will delete your avatar. :)
At the moment you can't... The SmallWorlds forum discusses that people will be allowed to delete their account in the future.. but at the moment, no one knows how to delete the account. But if you click on console when you log in click on it and when you see your avatar click on the garbage can. That will delete your avatar but if you only have only one avatar you cannot delete the avatar. Hope this helped