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You need to connect your modem to a ROUTER, and then connect both desktops to the router, instead of connecting one desktop directly to the modem.

You can connect the 2 desktops to the router either with standard CAT5 network wiring (recommended), or wirelessly if you have a wireless router and suitable wireless hardware attached to the desktops.

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You should use a router. Typical router has 4 LAN ports to connect computer using Ethernet network cable. Many routers also have wireless (WiFi) connectivity so some computers can be connected using wireless adapters (no cables needed in this case).

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Q: How do you connect two desktops to one DSL modem?
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Yes you can use DSL modem to connect to Internet, but you need to have a DSL connection (through a phone line) subscribed and activated with an internet service provider or a phone company which provides DSL internet access. As there are many forms of DSL technologies, you need to make sure that modem is compatible with the service provider network. Typically when you subscribe to a internet connection, the service provider provides their own modem to the customer. - Neeraj Sharma

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A DSL modem is a medium needed to connect to the internet. It is used to transfer information through long or short distance. You should be able to find one in nearby computer stores like Best Buy.

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No. It is a DSL modem. This usually will accommodate one wired connection, and would require a router (wireless or otherwise) to connect multiple devices.

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If you mean can you network computer to computer through a phone line, adhock, then if both computers have a dial up modem then yes. It's kind of a pain tho, and not every modem could do it. If you mean connect to another computer via internet over a phone line then yes if it has a dial up modem. DSL does use the phone line for access to the DSL modem.

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No you can not. To further explain more information is needed. When you say "different Location" are you talking about another room in a house? or a different place all together? If it is just in a different room then you want to use a router to connect multiple devices to one modem. If it is the latter, the reason you cannot have 2 different modems is because you Service provider of you DSL internet will not allow you to have 2 modems active at the same time. When you activated your DSL with your service provider the "Provisioned" your modem to their network. In other words they allowed that one specific modem access to the internet. The Serial number and the MAC address on the modem are what your service provider put into their system to allow that specific modem onto their network. In order for you two have 2 different modems active at the same time they will charge you 2 access fee's, basically just double what your current internet bill is. Hope that helped :)

Why won't your laptop with a USB adapter connect to the internet?

You have to have a modem unless you have dsl which your dsl modem can plug into the usb and operate properly otherwise you have to have an external modem to plug into the usb then the phone line. not knowing what you have to try and connect to the net is hard to answer, are your using an external modem, are you using dsl modem, either one of these should come with the software that will name your usb port as your com port, if not you can use someone elses computer and look-up the brand of whatever your are using to try to connect and download the software to a floppy disk or hopefully be able to burn it to a CD, then install it on yours, theres lots of info out there and lots of free downloads if you are able to use the internet somewhere else. good luck

How do you get wired internet with a ps3?

Find a Broadband or DSL internet provider or if you already have one and are already using it connect a router to your modem. Then simple connect an ethernet cable from your modem to your router and one from your router to your PS3. The cable that was going from the modem to your computer now goes from your router to your computer. If you are not using the internet service before then just connect th ethernet cable from your new modem to the PS3. Then if you do get a computer just buy the router and the ethernet cables then.

Who uses the modem?

One who want to connect to the internet.

Is there a device that lets you connect to a computer using dsl from a phone jack in another room without wires?

What is this 'device' you are referring to? Are you using your phone lines in your house to run a network? If so, then no, it will be almost impossible to run a DSL modem to that network. The reason is, a phone line network, which typically runs at 1mb per second, uses 'token ring' methology... basically one computer holds the 'token' and the other computers are constantly asking for it, and it travels ONE direction, not 2 way communication. For the price, I would install network cards in all your computers, and run CAT5 cable, with a router near your DSL Modem. that way, the DSL modem will see one computer, but all the computers, attached to the router via CAT5 cable, will be able to access the internet.

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If your PS3 needs to connect to the internet use your XMB setting menu under one of the last on the list and having to do with internet connections. The PS3 has the ability to to connect to Broadband cable or DSL internet with WiFi or ethernet cable and I would not call that a PS3 modem The related link from Playstation Knowledge has the best description of the procedures and help with any trouble shooting you may need