this website will help you determine your cost basis of Avaya Inc.
The stock symbol for Avaya in 2000 was AV. The stock traded on the NYSE.
This is the address of the avaya telephone systems headquarters- Avaya Inc. 211 Mt. Airy Road , Basking Ridge, NJ 07920
Avaya Inc was founded on October 2nd 2000. The company is a gobal leader in business communications. Its provides solutions directly and through its channel partners.
Their website is Their physical address is Avaya Inc., 211 Mt. Airy Road, Basking Ridge, NJ 07920 or you can contact them at their US telephone number of 1-866-GO-AVAYA, prompt 2. You can contact Avaya by calling their number at 866-GO-AVAYA. They are located out of Basking Ridge, NJ.
20.5$per share
The population of Avaya is 19,300.
Avaya was created in 2000.
Avaya stock did not split.
The population of Avaya Government Solutions is 2,007.
Avaya Government Solutions's population is 1,472.
Avaya Government Solutions was created in 1985.
One can get support for Avaya on the Avaya Support website page. They offer top solutions and user guides to help with Avaya. They also have downloads and notices available to keep one updated.